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Tools Plumbers Use for Detecting Leaks in Your Plumbing

Posted on 21 July 2020

Leaking pipes and plumbing fixtures are among the most common types of plumbing-related problems you're likely to experience as a homeowner. These leaks don't just potentially cause damage to your home - they also waste water and rack up major expenses on your water bills. When left unchecked, they can result in the formation of mold and mildew, which can cause further damage to building materials in your home and release spores that can cause or exacerbate existing respiratory problems.

In consideration of all of this, it's important to regularly inspect your pipes and plumbing fixtures for leaks. In some cases, the leaks will be obvious - you'll be able to see signs of leaks or areas where there are leaks that have developed in visible pipes. In other cases, though, the leaks can be very difficult to detect. In such cases, plumbers will need to use special tools to detect where they're occurring.

Here are a few of the most common tools professionals use for their leak detection processes.

Video equipment

The technology for video inspection equipment has come a long way over the last couple decades. Today's plumbers are able to use tiny video cameras mounted at the end of long, flexible cables that get worked through the plumbing. Plumbers will insert them into faucets and other outlets in the plumbing, pushing them down pipes to find sources of leaks that might not be able to be detected by looking from the outside, especially if the pipes are hidden behind walls or ceilings.

Soil probes

Leaks that occur in the sewer line or water main can be extremely problematic and difficult to address. Because these lines run underneath yards and properties, plumbers need special equipment to avoid having to dig up a property. This is where the soil probe comes in. Plumbers can use soil probes to listen for pressurized or standard pressure leaks down below grass, soil and rocks. In this way, they can pinpoint the location of a leak before they have to do any digging.

Listening discs

Another piece of audio equipment, the listening disc is designed for use indoors. Plumbers can use listening discs to find leaks behind drywall, plaster, cabinets and furnishings. The equipment gets pressed against a surface, and sounds of leaking water then get amplified through a pair of headphones. This allows the plumber to figure out where the leak is located without having to tear apart the wall or furnishings. There are more sophisticated versions of this equipment called deck plates for plumbers to listen through thicket materials like brick, concrete and stone.

To learn more about the most important tools of the trade for plumbing work, we encourage you to contact our team of professionals to help address your plumbing needs: info@pipemasters.ca or (289) 404-9063.

PipeMasters is part of Oakridge Plumbing Ontario Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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